An overview on Modulated Scattering Sensors and their applications

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March 1, 2024
An overview on Modulated Scattering Sensors and their applications
Massimo Donelli
Microwave, electromagnetic propagation, modulated scattering technique, RFIDs.
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Massimo Donelli(a,b,c)

(a) Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering (DICAM), University of Trento, Trento 38123, Italy

(b) Center for Security and Crime Sciences, University of Trento and Verona, Italy

(c) Radiomic Laboratory, Department of Economy and Management (DEM)University of Trento, Italy

Correspondence to: Massimo Donelli,


Modulated scattering sensors are based on the scattering properties of small antennas. They operate similarly to radio frequency identifier RFIDs but they don't require a radio front-end, and with respect to RFIDs, which are characterized by a limited operative range, MST sensors can theoretically reach any distance up to kilometres. The information is carried on by modulating an impinging/interrogating electromagnetic wave by properly change the load impedance of the antenna sensor, with suitable resistive loads and electronic switches. MST sensors can also operate at microwave frequency bands thanks to the introduction of suitable MEMs switches able to operate up to 100 GHz, moreover they are simple, low invasive and very cheap. In this work the evolution and some recent advancements in the development and application of MST sensors at different engineering scenarios will be reported and commented.


Conflict of Interest

The Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


The author have no funding sources to report.

Author Contributions

MD: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Data Collection, Data Analysis, Writing – Review & Editing.


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