Using Smart Wearable Devices for Supporting Patients Affected by Dementia in Rural Areas of Calabria

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June 5, 2024
Using Smart Wearable Devices for Supporting Patients Affected by Dementia in Rural Areas of Calabria
Alessandro Gallo, Salvatore Fregola, Filomena Talarico, Stella Fragkiadaki, Dionysia Kontaxopoulou, Evangelia Stanitsa, Katarina Vukojevic, Danira Matijaca, Alessio Merola, Ivan Radevic, Katjia Matesan, Amanda Gigliotti, Miodrag Miljkovic, Srdjan Kojaetinac, Vlado Dimovski, Anamarija Kejar, Danica Stevovic, Roberta Matkovic, Elena Sodano, Guido Piccoli, Nicola Mayera, Elisabetta Pedace, Darja Semrov, Pietro Hiram Guzzi.
SI4CARE Project; Health and Social Care; Dementia
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Alessandro Gallo(a,p), Salvatore Fregola(p), Filomena Talarico(p), Stella Fragkiadaki(f), Dionysia Kontaxopoulou(f), Evangelia Stanitsa(f), Katarina Vukojevic(e), Danira Matijaca(e), Alessio Merola(a), Ivan Radevic(k), Katjia Matesan(n), Amanda Gigliotti(i), Miodrag Miljkovic(g), Srdjan Kojaetinac(g), Vlado Dimovski(h), Anamarija Kejar(h), Danica Stevovic(l), Roberta Matkovic(n), Elena Sodano(i), Guido Piccoli(c), Nicola Mayera(j), Elisabetta Pedace(d), Darja Semrov(o), Pietro Hiram Guzzi(a,b).

(a) University of Catanzaro, viale Europa, Catanzaro, 88100 Italy; (A.G.); (A.M.), (P.H.G.)

(b) Municipality of Miglierina, Miglierina (CZ), Street B. Telesio 88040 Italy;

(c) ALOT; SI4CARE-TEAM street Cipro, 16 I-25124 Brescia - Italy; (M.M.); (G.P.)

(d) Soverato Hospital ASP Catanzaro, Soverato, Italy;

(e) University of Split School of Medicine, 21000 Split, Croatia; (K.V.); (D.M.)

(f) 1st Department of Neurology, Aiginition University Hospital, Vasilissis Sofias Street 72-74 Athens, Greece; (S.F.); (D.K.), (E.S.)

(g) Special Hospital Merkur, Cara Du´sana 3, Vrnjaka Banja 36210, Serbia; (M.M.); (S.K.)

(h) University of Ljubljana, Topniaka ulica 31, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; (V.D.); (A.K.)

(i) Ra.Gi. Onlus, Viale Magna Graecia, Catanzaro, Italy.;, E.S. (j) Regione Calabria, Road Europa, 88100 Catanzaro, Italy;

(k) Faculty of Economics Podgorica, University of Montenegro, Jovana Toma´sevica 37, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro Podgorica, Montenegro;

(l) Public Health Center Tivat, 85320 Tivat, 13 Health Insureance and Reinsurance Fund of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Trg Heroja 14, Sarajevo.;

(n) Teaching Institute for Public Health of Split-Dalmatian County; (K.M.); (R.M.);

(o) Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Lubjiana;

(p) EthosLab, Catanzaro, 88100, Italy Italy; (S.F.); (F.T.)

Correspondence to: Pietro Hiram Giuzzi,


The improvement of health and social care needs the introduction of shared solution at transnational level. The SI4CARE (Social Inno- vation for Integrated Health Care) project is a transnational initiative within the Adriatic-Ionian regions aiming to develop strategies to improve the current status of health and social care. The project member Municipality of Miglierina, a small rural town in Calabria, is developing a pilot action related to the use of wearable device for monitoring people affected by dementia together with the project partner Ra.Gi.. Ra.Gi. is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting people with dementia in day care centers and so-called dementia-friendly communities. The pilot is based on the use of smart wearable devices to monitor these patients during their daily lifetime. This paper focuses on the design and implementation of the system discussing the proposed application, the strengths and weaknesses. We report results from a pilot experiment showing the effectiveness of this approach. Finally, the possibility of extending the experiment to the other Adriatic-Ionian region is presented.


Conflict of Interest

The Authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


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